Future antibiotics

Future antibiotics

To discover and optimize new antibiotics

Highlights 2023

During 2023, our research focused on getting a better structural knowledge of one of our targets, the FMN riboswitch. Therefore, we have spent quite some time in engineering an RNA sequence that has good properties for crystallization.

One highlight of 2023 has been that we have got crystal structure of the FMN riboswitch that has the highest resolution of among all structures that are in the public domain. Now we are working on getting high resolution structures in a more reproducible fashion.

For us the added value of being a part of a transdisciplinary centre is having access to inspiring transdisciplinary conferences and courses for PhD students and postdocs.

Project overview

Project lead: Ruth Brenk
Institution: University of Bergen

Research group

By combining methods from chemistry, biology and informatics, the researchs aim to look for antibiotics that target bacterial “riboswitches”. The team will describe and predict how small molecules can interact with these structures.

Innovation: The researchers look for small molecules that can be further developed into novel antibiotics.

The project is financed by the Norwegian Research Council FRIMEDBIO program.

Project website.